FMP – Research

Mindmaps & Moodboards

FMP – Mind Maps

FMP – Moodboard


FMP – Museum

FMP – V&A Game Concept Art

Game Concept

FMP – 2 Game Analysis

FMP – Environments

FMP – Map

FMP – Battle Scenes

FMP – Colour Swatches

FMP – Game Treatment

FMP – RPG Maker MV

FMP – Research of Gameplay

FMP – Smooth Render style of RPG

FMP – Game Pitch


FMP – Poster

FMP – Graphic Poster Designer

FMP – Typography



FMP – Typography

For my poster design, typography is essential as it is a key item and certain words can bring attention from its boldness and style that links with the poster. It has its own individual art style.

In my design, I want the typography to be bold and catchy so that I have caught their attention. If there is not any design that I would like to input on my poster, I would draw the title myself but I do want to find the right typography whilst I am at it. The style should be italic and have a sense of quirkiness.

These are an example of typography that I may want to use for my poster designs.

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Video Production – 30/1/19

Whilst we were editing, we show our teachers and presented a small teaser of our film. Our feedback was that it was good but it loses its momentum with some of the scenes and we needed to add an extra scene to boost our grades. This time, I was acting as the cameraman as the previous cameraman was busy on that day and we needed to get that footage as soon as possible. It was not going to take long to film the footage and apply the editing. When I was using the camera, I realise that I had to be careful with the surrounding and I had to ensure that the camera is still and the footage was clear to use.

These were the shots that were needed for the footage …

  • New still establishing of sky shot
  • Pov running shot
  • Close up of euan distressed on the floor
  • Bear trap close enough
  • Extreme close up of leigh scared for her life with the killer.

Maya – Moodboards


Maya Moodboard.jpg

In my unit, I need to show my understand of what animation is and what I need to do in my project. I have been assigned to make my character participate in an obstacle course by showing a series of movement and the personality trait. When I am animating in Maya, I need to consider where limb needs to move in the keyframe and portray a sense of personality into my character so that it is not boring to look at. My character will only be showing simple movements rather than complex as it would be harder and it will take longer to produce in the animation.

Artist Research

Patrick Heron

  • Heron is a British painter and an art critic.
  • Born in Yorkshire however, at the age of 5, he moved to Cornwall as it was a very important place as he spent most of his life over there.
  • His career as started as an artist by designing silk scarves at his father’s company.
  • His influencers are Henri Matisse and Paul Cézanne.
  • One of the paintings, Horizontal Stripe Painting may look like a few strips of colours and by looking at another perspective, you can see the sunset.


Azalea Garden: May 1956

Image result for Azalea Garden: May 1956

The painting shows a series of bright colours brushstrokes which blend with the white brushstroke and brings a good contrast. When Heron was making this painting, he saw himself moving from representational art to abstraction and saw as a garden of painting. Heron uses oil paint to captivate the boldness of the painting. What made me really like the painting is that the way Heron uses colours to bring life to his drawing and the way he uses the brushstroke is very simple. If I were to change some things about the painting, I would make sure that I would advise the painter to create a complex shape that would bring an appealing appearance to Heron’s work.

Francis Bacon

  • Bacon idolised Pablo Picasso as he was his hero which made a spark in his career.
  • Bacon’s mother was a flapper which in the 1920s, his mother would wear wore short skirts, bobbed their hair, listened to jazz, and flaunted their disdain and that was considered to be appropriate.
  • He was a cinephile which he was very fond of the cinema. He found a particular film called “catalyst”.
  • During Bacon’s career, he would have already destroyed his early work.
  • You can still visit his studio in Dublin today.


Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion

Image result for Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion

Bacon wanted to create the horror of what has happened in World War 1. People did not want to remember what has happened to the war but Bacon did not want people to ignore what has happened. The painting has disturbing imagery which makes people unease viewing the painting and the use of colours set off a negative output. The use of red empathises the pain that the people have to suffer during the war. Bacon uses pastels and oil paint to use as a medium. If I were to change anything on this piece, I would make sure that blend the red with some extra colours to make it even more grotesque.

Peter Blake

  • At first, he did not aspire to be an artist in his childhood.
  • In 1954, he had studied the Royal College of Art
  • Peter Blake is one of the most famous British Pop Artists
  • One of his work, Cover of SGT. Pepper’s is considered to be Blake’s most famous work at all times.
  • Blake was known for his collages art.

Self-Portrait with Badges

Image result for Self-Portrait with Badges

Blake uses oil painting to portray the man showing interests and achievements. His portrait shows good understanding of respect for historical tradition and modern popular culture. The painting shows a man standing outside in his garden, showing a blank expression and his interest. Even though what he likes may be interesting but the person itself might be boring. In my opinion, I like how the model is designed and how the colours are used, however, I do not like the background as I consider it to be blurry and very scruffy.

Richard Hamilton

  • Hamilton was inspired and really like Duchamp
  • He was interested in interior designs.
  • He likes change and always updating his work to a higher standard.
  • He hangs out and was friends with Paul McCartney
  • Richard Hamilton got kicked off the Royal Academy at the age of 15.


Just what is it that makes today’s homes so different, so appealing?

Image result for Just what is it that makes today's homes so different, so appealing?

Hamilton uses to pop art and the material uses collages to be cultivated the media. In the 1950s, it can become an iconic art for the pop art industry. Hamilton has been trimming newspaper where that he includes celebrities, technologies and etc. In my opinion, it is very appealing to me and the college is put into place is very clever and it is effective.

Gilbert and George

  • Throughout their career, they were considered to be “living sculptures” and everytime they made an artwork, they would be the centre of the imagery.
  • Gilbert & George have been residents of Fournier Street, Spitalfields, East London and all of their work has been focused on that area.
  • Their approach to art has always been anti-elitist. They wanted their art to be “All for one” which aims to be relevant to the new world.
  • Gilbert & George are an oddity in the art world because of their openly conservative political views and George stating that Left is good in the political view.
  • In their exhibition, “Scapegoating”, White Cube has to describe Gilbert & George’s artwork ” a world of paranoia, fundamentalism

The Singing Sculpture

Image result for the singing sculpture gilbert and george

During their work, they would like to involve themselves as they want to be part of the new world.  Gilbert and George wanted to show the art industry that their art is “All for one” where the art is more open and that it shows expression to the art. In my opinion, I believe that it is very lazy and they could do even better by showing more complicated shapes or even something that can come to a fantasy world that represents East London.

Tracey Emin

  • Despite “My Bed” is a complete mess, her life is not as chaotic as her bed.
  • Tracey is a real philanthropist.
  • The art movement “Stuckism” was named after her ex.
  • She does not take her art seriously
  • Emin joined forces with a jewellery designer Stephen Webster and she also designs accessories.

Sad Shower in New York

Image result for Sad Shower in New York

Emin uses a monoprint style to portray the loneliness when she is visiting a foreign country. It shows a very blank expression of her in the shower as it is very dull and I believe that it does not interest other people but herself. In my opinion, I do not like this painting as it is very lazy and I could see that there was not enough effort and thought put into this painting.

Grayson Perry

  • Perry was born Chelmsford, Essex in March 1960.
  • Despite the fact he had a difficult family situation, his childhood was a major influence in his career as he would go to his father’s shed and indulge into the fantasy world.
  • Alan Measles, a teddy bear that belongs to Perry, was described as a “surrogate father, rebel leader, fighter, pilot and undefeated racing driver.” which lead Alan to be featured in one of Perry’s artwork.
  • In Perry’s teenagers years, he realises that he was a transvestite and he refers to himself as Claire and he wants to do because he wants to in his own feel will.
  • In the social world, he wants to show people how manly he can be whilst wearing a dress and expressing sexuality on fashion.

Grayson Perry: Revenge of the Alison Girls, 2000

Image result for Grayson Perry: Revenge of the Alison Girls, 2000

Perry shows a large of variety of imagery and implemented onto the vase. Perry uses glazed ceramic to present technical complexity and he likes to play the effects of surprise and irritation. The vase values above all tolerance containing autobiographical references and details. In my opinion, the medium and the imagery that Perry bring an appealing effect towards the art and the way that he approaches this artwork will help expand art deco.








Maya – Movement of the Character


In the task, we are getting used to import our characters doing a certain movement. Firstly, I had to create a character in Autodesk Character Generator which has to resemble like me so that I have an illustration of myself and I know how to create myself and I know myself better than anyone.

After I have made my character, I would import my character to Mixamo which allows having a large variety of movements for your character to have. Once I am happy with the movement of the character, I put them in the Maya and see how my character would move in Maya.

Once I have imported the movement in Maya, the movement is already set and I can view the keyframes in the timeline to see what is happening. This will get me to have a good understanding of how I should do the movement in Maya if I were to create my own set of moves.

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Whilst watching the video, it has got me thinking that I need to consider the entire body and not just one section of the body. This video has probably enhanced my understanding of observation on what I should do whilst I am animating in Maya.

Video Production- 12/01/19

Today, we were just going through the paper works that we need to do before we could actually film anything. This is a major part of the projects so that we are prepared to film and that we know what we are doing. We may add some additional stuff for the script and the storyboard as we all agree that the story is short and we need to add more scenes to it.

As I am the Killer for the trailer, I need to make sure that I have my props ready and I know that I have the jeans for it. For the boots, I felt confident that we were going to be using these as it is dark and suitable for the costume. Now, I am just waiting for the apron and my costume will be completed.




We have completed the majority of the paperwork and we may do some extra stuff on the paperwork but we will do that in class.

Contextual Art – The Genius of Art

The start of British Modern Art started where?

It started at the tip of the west coast of Cornwall.

What did one critic describe Patrick Heron’s work as?

Patrick Heron’s work was criticised as an absurd piece. However, the narrator presumes that Heron was ahead of his time.

What did Patrick Heron think art should do?

Heron always thought that art should lift the hopes of other people’s spirits / lift the people’s spirits.

What did Francis Bacon think life was full of?

On the other hand, Bacon thought that life was filled with pain and suffering which is considered to be negative.

What did Francis Bacon’s artwork deliberately set out to do?

Francis’ artwork displayed a surprise for the people with a post-war Britain to the extreme and he did this on purpose.

What did Peter Blake’s work celebrate?

Peter celebrated the Americana at Denim and Elvis.

Who is the father of British Pop Art?

Richard Hamilton

What does Transient mean?

Richard describes pop art transient which the word means only temporarily and that it was not going to last long.

What happened to the UK economy during the 1970s?

In the 1970s, the UK struggled with the economy with the working state with the employee, multiple strike and bombing.

Gilbert and George describe themselves as?

In 1967, Gilbert and George both decided to look into the respective side of England rather than the rebellious side. On the other hand, their art was unconventional and cheeky.

What was the new spirit for 80’s Britain?


Who is the world’s richest living artist today?

Damien Hirst

Who is Charles Saatchi?

Charles Saatchi, an Iraqi and British, is a businessman who works for Saatchi and Saatchi alongside with his brother, Maurice.

At the end of the 80’s boom, how much did Hirst sell his work at Sotheby’s auction for?

95 million pounds

What was Tracy Emin’s unique selling point? 


What does Grayson Perry explore in his work?

Creating chaos that would violate social media

What does he feel the main most important activity in life is?

Careless shopping


What is the meaning of the following terms

Rationing – Balancing out to the amount of consumer with the resources.

Stiff upper lip  – To maintain a certain type of expression of emotion. To show composure in all situation.

Abstract art  – Artist uses abstract art to produce shapes, patterns, and colours to convey their emotions as this form of art is known for being expressive.

Postwar Britain – After the war, this term would often describe what has happened after this tragic incident.

Triptych – On the three panels, it shows a sense of relief.



  • Patrick Heron
  • Francis Bacon
  • Peter Blake
  • Richard HamiltonGilbert and GeorgeTracy EminGrayson Perry

Find 5 interesting facts about each artist. Collect examples of their work. Consider their work and describe what you think and feel about their work.