FMP – Game Pitch

We worked collaboratively on a story about Earth abandonment and all wealthy humans travelled to the Moon in hope for a better life after an epidemic of dinosaur rebirth. The essence of the game is the returning of the main character to a deserted Earth and that’s where the story begins. 

The world is set on a deserted Earth, where most people have left the cities and went into the suburban area to stay away from the dinosaurs. The area has now been infected with a type of virus to cause trees to grow on a rapid rate and the land has corroded, which gives people limitation of the land. They do not know if there are other lands, but part of the environment is constantly changing which cause the inhabitants’ place for people shrinks down severely. Despite all these tragic events, they have managed to adapt to living in this new environment. 

The Earth is deserted after the dinosaur outbreak and all wealthy people managed to escape to the Moon. Once they have reached the planet, they started to build a new colony. A few years later, the excavation of the moon starts since people are trying to look for a new mineral to further advance their society. Unfortunately, they are not aware that the materials they use will cause a huge accumulation of energy, which leads to the planet explosion.  The Moon has been destroyed and soon after the explosion, only one human managed to come back to the ruined Earth, as he escapes the disaster with one of the spaceships. 

There are two playable characters, a male and female. The woman washed up on a beach badly hurt with no memory to what happened. She was found by the fishermen and then taken to the chief’s home, where she was nursed back to health. The woman wakes up in a room and is confused about how she got there. Instinctively, she leaves the room to find out where she is. The chief finds the lost woman as if she has no direction to go to and he explains what happened. He asks for her name, but the woman could not recall her memory whatsoever. The chief gives the name Ifera 

Once the woman finishes her talk with the chief, she leaves the town with some guidance from him that she is meant to go to the forest, where there is an artefact, a stone tablet that contains hieroglyphs which could potentially bestow the power of the Gods. Before she could leave, the chief tells her that there will always be a place for her. As Infera goes through the forest, she was stopped by a rock slide and she panics, not knowing what to do next. However, there are multiple paths to take her to the forest and one of the options is the desert path. She turns back to the town and goes to the desert. 

Her journey is tough, as Ifera must walk a long distance but when she sees a shiny object from afar, a glimpse of hope appears on her eyes and rushed to look at what it is. Upon arriving at the shiny object, she sees a crashed space shuttle, where a scavenger is trying to break into. She is curious and decides to beat the scavenger to get access to the shuttle by herself. Ifera is winning the battle and try to open the shuttle. The woman sees a button and press to activate. A male figure coming out from inside. He seems stressed and exhausted however, he greets Ifera and says, “My name is Hollow”. 

Hollow explains everything about how people abandoned the earth and left the poor without nothing. A group of scavengers attacked them but only to be beaten by Hollow and Ifera. Both are heading towards the forest to find the stone tablet. 

The tablet is hidden inside a hollow tree. The moment that Ifera touches it, the tablet glows and transfer its power to her body. Suddenly, Hollow saws smoke that was coming from the town and both Hollow and Ifera rushed back to the town. 

Arriving at the town, they witness the destruction and it was a shock to them. Then a large figure that was standing in the middle of the town. It saw the main protagonists and clench its fist in anger. The chief shouts at Hollow and Ifera to leave but immediately gets punched by the large figure leading to its death. “I am Zaker and you will pay the price for what you have done Hollow”. Zaker rushed towards Hollow and Ifera and engage to battle.  

They fought with everything they can, but they were unsuccessful as he was too powerful. Zaker did not finish Hollow as he wants him to suffer. Zaker mutters something about the Moon but Hollow could not hear the last remaining words of what the villain had said.  

The next day, Hollow is woken up by Ifera poking him to tell him important news, that everyone was gone. The villain took the entire village throughout the night. They were both very upset that they have failed to save everyone. Both Hollow and Ifera sought out to find other villagers and stop Zaker for his evil deeds. 

The soundtrack will have a gentle melody for the passage that will be used for cutscenes and walking around the environment and by doing so will ensure that the player that they are safe. Perhaps a Slavic piano instrumental so that it feels like an introduction. Finally, the soundtrack for the battle scene should intensive but also enjoyable to listen on repeat so that the player does not get annoyed after a while. These choices of music may change depending on the development stages of the soundtrack of the game. 

One thought on “FMP – Game Pitch

  1. Pingback: FMP – Research | Javier Alvarez-Roszyk

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