FMP – Game Treatment

Forsaken Paradise


The project is going to be from the 7/2/2019 to 20/5/19.

The demographics will be aimed at 14 – 42, however, my primary focus is 12 – 24.


What is the game about?

The game is about the earth in a universe where it was abandoned, and all the wealthy moved to the moon, the moon was attacked and blew up, only one survivor made it out, and landed back on earth. They are one of the two playable characters, the other is a woman who washed up on a beach near the main town, she is a demon locked up in a facility and finally broke out and washed up on a beach after being shot at and hurt badly.




A young man who wakes up in his space shuttle and remembers what has happened to the Earth previously. Majority of the clothes shall be white with a robe, short sleeves shirt and smart trousers but he is wearing black boots.


A girl who lost her memories at the beach and tries to find her true identity around the world. Ripped jeans and a ripped shirt. Black hair with red highlights.


A group of people who are searching for the goods to build on their collection and do not care for other people. Wears a gas mask all the time and overalls with them.

Elder Chief

The main chief of Ikarus and the townfolks loves him. Has tribal clothing and carries a spear around him.


The strongest man in the world containing powers that do not exist in this world. Wears a heavy armour that looks like a dragon but the appearance of the character is unknown.


The game will start out as a children picture book explaining the lore of the game. The drawing will be very simple so that people are able to understand what is going. Then the player will start playing the game as soon as the conversation has stopped talking. The art style will be a non-pixel and smooth art style containing bold colours to make it more attractive. The player will be able to converse with their surrounding and engage into battle with their own abilities.


At the beginning of the game, the music will start off with a soft melody (piano) and each time that the character moves to a different location, the music will start to get brighter but later will be lower to show the dark area of the story. Later, the town and the forest will have a joyful tune to show that the player feels like they are safe. Finally, the music for the desert should have a mystery mood to the atmosphere to suggest that there is something there in that location.


I have chosen this type of story is because I wanted to focus on the lore of how space works and try to put in what-if scenarios. Even with the research that I have learnt with the museums, I want to show the audience of why I have designed this environment like this and see all the different creatures and monster that I have designed. The map will be designed as an old treasure map and will be very similar to Pangea to show the history of planet Earth.


To understand how an RPG works, I need to know what other people preferences are. I have conducted on a survey that will help me get a better of how to build my very own RPG.


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When I saw this response, everyone has said that they liked RPG. I could have suggested that RPG is a popular genre as to some of the thing is story based and most people like to be interacting with the story. There are usually long, and they will always keep the players interested in the development with the characters and story.



  • Binding of Isaac
  • Skyrim
  • Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey
  • Pokémon
  • Skyrim
  • Undertale
  • Top 5: Kingdom Hearts, Persona 5, Fallout New Vegas, The World Ends with You and Fate Grand Order
  • Skyrim
  • Monster Hunter World
  • OFF
  • Oblivion
  • Star Wars the Old Republic
  • Monster Hunter Series
  • Persona 5
  • Destiny
  • Red Dead Redemption 2


With all this list of games, the majority of them goes towards the 3D art style which attracts towards the audience. However, Pokémon uses their bold colours and simple 2D art style which is appealing toward their audience. Since I am aiming towards the 2D art style, I will need to take into consideration of making sure that the colour is attractive and it brings meaning to why I am have used them.

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Majority of the players play on PC as it has a large amount of audience. This is good because when making a game and exporting it, doing it on a PC version is cheaper than the console version and if I want to present my game, I would prefer to display on the PC.

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To say that the storyline is more important than the rest is very interesting. If I manage to make the storyline impressive, then will make my game have the potential to become a high standard of gaming.



  • More side quests
  • Having full control of the story. Killing the main NPC’s and having a consequence of that later. Etc.
  • A change to turn-based combat.
  • A storyline which branches off into multiple endings whilst still having a coherent story.
  • A unique battle system
  • In-depth, well-crafted customization for characters, monsters and equipment.
  • Multiplayer maybe?
  • A new fighting system
  • A unique art style, different from other popular RPGs
  • where you can choose the path, you take
  • I way to choose the story and have many endings
  • VR
  • your character speaks

The reason is why I have asked this question because every RPG follows the same structure and it is quite hard to create new ideas. If everyone has a specific request on a system that could be included in a game, I personally believe that it is good so that the game feels new and gives a sense of uniqueness.



The equipment will need is:

  • A4 paper size
  • A3 paper size
  • 2B pencil
  • Pen
  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • RPG Maker MV
  • Premiere Pro

Constraints and Contingency

The problems that I will be facing is what the character design is going to be as I need to know for the poster design and implemented into my own art style. As a game takes quite a while to produce, I will need to work quickly yet professionally to produce the highest standard of the graphics.

Legal and ethical considerations

As I am doing the environment design of the game, I will need to consider what colours I will be using in this project. Before the game release, I will be selecting few people to playtest the demo and will write a feedback to me if there is any improvement that I can make, or any adjust with the images so that I do not offend anyone.


Since RPG Maker MV cost £50 to have the software and since it is a onetime payment, I can get the software forever. Even though that software gives you some art style equipment and audio files, I want to produce my background of the game so I will be using the Adobe suite for creating my own original art style. Adobe suite cost around £16 per mounts for a student discount and I will be doing this project for 3 months so during those time, I will have to pay £48 to be continuing the all the other Adobe software’s. Since I am designing the poster which will have a physical copy, I need to ensure that I am happy with the design before printing any paper so that I am saving money from the printer.


The date that I have started on this project was on 07/02/19 and I must be ready to submit on the 20/05/19. Within those times, I need to be making sure that each day I am accomplishing my task so that I have enough ideas to present my final product. I will be also making sure that any budget that has been within this project does not go towards any waste.

FMP – Typography

For my poster design, typography is essential as it is a key item and certain words can bring attention from its boldness and style that links with the poster. It has its own individual art style.

In my design, I want the typography to be bold and catchy so that I have caught their attention. If there is not any design that I would like to input on my poster, I would draw the title myself but I do want to find the right typography whilst I am at it. The style should be italic and have a sense of quirkiness.

These are an example of typography that I may want to use for my poster designs.

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