FMP – Map


Image result for pokemon sinnoh region

In the Pokemon universe, they show a large amount of land which is essential for the players to go around and explore. The layout of the land shows a slight diamond shape which resembles the game title “Pokemon Diamond”. They scattered mountains around the map which still allows the players to follow a linear path. When they are designing the town, they do not go to extreme details but allows players to see where each town is located and how differently the houses are designed. If I were to design my own map, I need to consider the proportion of the map design, the distance between towns and the layout is not simple at all.

Super Mario RPG

Image result for super mario rpg map

In this 8 bit world, the map forms a ring around the map and this works effectively as it is basic. As it is targeted at a younger audience, they would be able to understand where they are at and they have a basic understand what place they are at. The only part that I do not like about that layout of the map as the majority of it is covered with the forest design and it makes the game very plain and simple. The only interesting part of the map is the sword that is at the top of the map. Even though it is simple, in my own design, I would make sure that I include different appearances such as a beach, snow town and etc.

Fire Emblem

Image result for fire emblem map

As they are going for the medieval/fantasy theme based game. they used the colour yellow to make the map look very old. I can see that the outline of the map is not linear and shows a lot of curves. When they are designing the map, you can see that they did not stick to a basic land and added some mountains, trees and castles. Each town/castles has a different colour scheme so depending on what side you are at, the players must gain that castle back for the victory. When I am designing my map, I need to make sure that the path is clear and that the structure is visual to the eye of the viewers.

Creating my Own Map

This is how the map that I created. I used tea bags to create this old treasure map texture and applied a compass to show the direction of the map. I want to experiment with how a map would like that on a physical copy. So when I get the chance to design the map digitally, I know that I need to make the outline not smooth and apply some names and environment so that it is clear to see what it is.

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  1. Pingback: FMP – Research | Javier Alvarez-Roszyk

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