FMP – Museum

In this project, I went to 3 museums to gather a large number of ideas that I can implement into my game demo. As it is a game demo, I need to keep the game at least 10 or 45 minutes long otherwise it would make too much work and I would not be able to have enough time.  I produce some sketches that I saw in the museums and it will be placed under where the images are at.

Natural History


As the demo starts out on a beach, I thought it will be very nice to have some animals that would be living on the beach. Crabs are normally seen on the beach and by adding that to the game will enhance the appearance of the environments.


With the flask inside of different items, it could rearrange as an item or an icon. It is very essential for the players to items to allow them to heal and progress with the story.


As the fossil and animals have been shown as a display, I could use the fossils as a decoration for the environment as the story tells that dinosaurs have been extinct on the moon however, you can see the fossil placed around the world and no one knows why they are there in the first place.


Looking at different horns can be effective for designing a character who is either part beast or a beast itself. Also, I wanted to imply the mammoth because I do not see a lot of games that involve mammoths and I personally believe that it will give a sense of uniqueness to the game.


As I am doing the environment section in the game, I would like to implement how the world would look like if it had a full version of the game and how depth the story as if it was developed even more. I might look into the different map location into the game and looks towards that. The reason why I have said this because I believe it will not take long to make the map and apply it to the game.


In the dinosaur section, they show the scale and the appearance of the dinosaur and depending on whether if I want to implement it towards the game.


With the dinosaurs tail and the skull, it can be seen as a weapon design as it could be placed as a hammer or an amour. It could be either designed a pickaxe and I could do a mining system into the game as it will be unique.


These size comparison will be very useful in the project as I am able to compare how big the environments and change the sizes of the places with the environment along with the characters.

Science Museum


The space shuttle is a key part of the story as it will be a feature in the picture book and it will showing how the moon exploded from massive energy and someone escapes from the space shuttle. I may play around with the colours of the shuttle and see how I can make it modern.

Victoria and Albert


In the Japan era. they use bold colours to capturative the appearance and attract the audience. I may use bold colours to emphasise the aesthetic and I believe it enhances the way the game will look.


With these columns designs, it gives a sense of ruins and I can set that as the biomass of an area and I can show how the world is at the current state.


These some of drawing that I have done in the Museum that I went.

I do want to mention that these were rough sketches as I wanted to get a large number of ideas from the Museum.


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