Video Production – 19/1/19 & 20/1/19


During the weekend, my group decided to film all the footage that we needed for the film. On the 19/1/19, we filmed the majority of the film without the killer scene as the makeup would take a long time to put on. Even though I was the actor, I helped guided where the camera should be and looked around the area where we could possibly film at. The director really liked the choices that I made for the camera position and I really felt like I have contributed to the group. For the next day, however, will be very painful as I will be shirtless in the cold and the temperature will most likely to be around -2 to 3 degrees.

On 20/1/19, the makeup artist has arrived and started to proceed to apply makeup on. The process took around 4 hours to make and if I were to redo the footage, it would mean that I would have to wait for the makeup and suffer in the cold. When I was acting, I would often do exercise to keep myself warm. I was encouraging the actors to keep their motivation up during the cold. Once it has reached 4 pm, we all went home and ensure that we have all the footage to a folder so that we can proceed to edit.