Maya – Blocking Sheet



This is the blocking sheet that I have produced for my animation. The reason why there is a third sheet is that I did not know how to set the image to a side properly and I was going to do my second part of the blocking sheet, however, one of my classmates has shown me how to set the image and thus which made my life easier. In the blocking sheet, some of the movement is very complex to produce Maya and I thought doing these movements will help make my animation look interesting, however, it will take a long time and I do not think this the best way to make animation fluid. For the block in the air, I might change it so that my character crawls under the block and I have a reference for when my character gets into position and out.

Even though my character will do a simple movement, I would like to implement personality so that my animation is more interesting such as scratching my head for something or he is checking something and pointing his fingers at them and etc.

Also, I may have forgotten to apply the timing for when my character does the movement but since the animation is going to be around 30 or 40 seconds long. I believe for I should aim for the first part to be 15 or 20 seconds long and the seconds part should also be 15 or 20 seconds as well.


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