Maya – Pixar Short Film



In the short Pixar film, it tells the tale of how day and night have their own advantages and disadvantages. They soon began to understand with each other and they come to appreciate each other.


  1. Day wakes up and starts to proceed with their daily lives.
  2. Day was wondering around and it spotted night.
  3. Night was sleeping until Day poked Night until it woke up.
  4. Day was not happy with Night because it did like what Day saw. Then this has made Night upset and annoyed thus leading a fight with Day.
  5. During the fight, Night suddenly saw something that was coming from Day’s perspective and he was enjoying the view.
  6. When Night tries to see it in its perspective, the beauty was not there as it was not happening in the day.
  7. Day realises that Night was upset as they could not receive the beauty of life so Day decided to show more beauty that was happening in Day which lead Night to show Day the beauty on the other side.
  8. They both started to get to know each other well and started to become friends.
  9. However, they both realise that they both cannot leave without each other and they depend on each other.
  10. As the sunset was appearing, they come to term with each other and they were on the opposite side with each other and they got to experience what its like to be Day and Night.


Pixar uses a software called Renderman.

Art Style

The art style is a combination of 2D and 3D animation which can show how animators are able to use both styles of animation. Even though the 3D animation shows people’s everyday lives whilst 2D animations shows the emotions between Day and Night. It shows a very cartoonish appearance but it is easy to identify what is happening inside each scene. With Day and Night drew in a 2D aspect, they show personality towards the viewers and with that, they are given a likeable feature that the viewers can enjoy.


When it is Day, it shows a bright vibrant light that shines on the environment whilst Night display a very dark blue colour but also a very melodic and gentle touch to put on at that time.


For this animation, I personally believe that the character is hand drawn, however, whenever the character moves, the environments change its position and the scale of the proportion.


In the animation, an average frame can take up to seven hours.


In my opinion of this animation, I appreciate the approach of acceptance with each other despite the fact they are two different things. In the end, they have learnt that they are not alone and soon later can do the things that other person did perviously. Also, the combination of 2D and 3D animation works really well and the character that was design in 2D display a joyful characteristic which makes me feel happy to see these characters. I make take into consideration of displaying a 3D and 2D art style for when I am making a new animation.


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