Video production – 9/12/18

I was with my group during the weekend and we decided to scout an area that would be a suitable choice for our game trailer. Since Dead by Daylight was based on an exterior area and some would focus on a forest-based theme, we decided to look into parks and abanded places.

As we were searching into abanded places on the internet, we have come to the conclusion that it was not a good idea as some of the places was too far away and some of the places are public areas and we want an area that is public but not many people go towards that direction.

Instead of abandoned places,  we looked into parks that were close to our location and it has some forest area that we can film.  We decided we should check out Wimbledon Park as it is the middle where our crew members are and everyone can get there easily. Once we got there, we started scouting. The park has an open area which we could use for an establishing shot if we needed to. Once we got to the forest area, that’s when things get interesting.

In the forest area, there are so many opportunities that we can do which can be beneficial for our scene and maybe applying some effects. There is a downfall to the location. Originally, we were going to film it dark but the forest would be pitch black and we would not see the footage of the film. Therefore, we are planning to do it during the day.



In the end, we have decided that we are going to film in Wimbledon Park and we thought it was a good decision, The only problem that we are going to have is the weather but we shall check it during the week if it alright to film or not.

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