Interactive Map – Graphic Designers

Massimo Vignelli

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In 1931, January the 10th, Vignelli was an Italian designer who had produced package design in houseware design and furniture design. He studied his own personal art style and architecture before heading to America. He established the Vignelli Office of Design and Architecture in Milan along with his wife Lella Vignelli in 1960.

Massimo Vignelli.jpg

For his style of work, I can see he uses a lot of compositions for his typography and design. Also, he tends to keep a limited colour scheme which does not complicate his design and he wants his audience to identify what he is displaying for his art.


Image result for massimo vignelli map

This is the New York subway system that was made in 1972 which follows a 90 and 45 degree. From looking at this, the design aspect is very simple and how he uses the colours is very effective by making the train line bold and making the background very light so that the train line stands out more. I do like the distance of each town’s name which makes it accurate. The materials that have been used to create this map was pencil because I believe that he needed to plan how the subway system was going to structured and later on digitalise and printed to be displayed to the public.


This is Vignelli speaking about his thought process of how he was designing his map.  In the video, he explained how each stop has a dot and he said that the geography does not need to be literal and people at New York does not need to be confused.

Paula Scher

Image result for Paula Scher

Paula, an American Graphic Designer, was the first female principal at Pentagram. She is one of the most influential graphic designers in the world. Her art style conveys pop cultures and fine work.  The works seem to be smart and accessible yet iconic.

Paula Scher.jpg

In her work, she plays around with typography a lot and to capture her audience’s view by making the words bold. The typography is position in different places and some of them are rotated so that the design is viewed as appealing. She has famous people that have used for her work to boost her work and the culture for other people.


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Scher’s poster shows a variety of typography and a limited colour scheme to display their work. The size of typography is changing constantly but each text is readable and they do not over obscure with the design aspect.  The message that they are trying to convey is trying to make famous people stand out and making a name for themselves. The medium used to producing this design might have been digitalised because the text needs to be accurate for the composition to work.

Interactive Map – Moodboard

Kiosk Moodboard


Kiosk comes in different forms and they all show to display the information is needed for the public. For when I am making my kiosk, I will use a simple design for my kiosk and try to make the background look appealing. Probably, I will be experimenting with what colours I should be used to that would compliment the colours of the kiosk.

Leaflet Moodboard

Leaflet Moodboard

Leaflets is a physical copy of the information to certain categories. For example, theatres. I have noticed that they keep it consistent with their design and the colours which makes them appealing and that’s what I need to cooperate with my leaflets.

Logos Moodboard


Some logos are very simple and some are complex to produce. Taking it in the information, my logos can be simple but the appearance can be visually pleasing and that’s what I need to accomplish. Depending on the design aspect, I could have a background for the logo or not have one but that needs to be decided when I am making the interactive map.

App Design Moodboard

App Design Moodboard

With the app design,  the design is the same and they kept it consistent. Also, I need to consider what transition, when someone is interacting with the app whether it should slide to the right and or the screen, should dissolve.

Interactive Map Moodboard

Interactive Media Moodboard

For the interactive map, they made sure that they do not overcomplicate their design with their colours and their logos is not cramped close together. They kept the colours limited and I need to make sure that I space out my logos whilst making the map.

Presentation Moodboard


Finally, I need to apply this on the second page of my presentation so that people will have an understanding of my presentation is about.