Sounds- Animation Sound Resources


The typewriter comes at a fast tempo showing that the person is typing at a fast rate and it shows professionalism for this person. By using the fast tempo, the word that will appear on the screen will align each other and it does not mate if the sounds are faster than the words. This is just to create an illusion for the audience to interpret the typewriter. To improve, I could try to EQ to produce a softer tone when it is typing.


Horse Galloping

When creating horse galloping, I used someone to use their knuckles and tap gently on the ground repeatedly to mimic the sound of the horse galloping. However, when exporting it to Logic Pro X, it was not realistic as the horse from my animation is trotting on grass rather than on concrete. So then I did was added an EQ and an audio gain to reduces the roughness of each individual trot. To improve, I would have produced the sound on a soft surface to get realistic.

Bird Flapping

I add to make two different effects on the flapping sounds as the dove comes in a different direction and the dove comes at a fast pace however it is visible to see and hear where dive is at. I had to change the volume and the pan automation to guide the viewers where the bird is at all times. This has worked very effectively as it shows how gentle the bird is flapping its wings and you hear how high or low they are going. To improve, I would need to experiment different ways to produce a flapping sounds. To improve, I could experiment the different use of materials to produce the flapping sounds.

Soft Breeze

The soft breeze makes a soft ambience effect which gives the viewer a good understanding that they are outside listening and viewing nature.  I have turned the volume down as I want to portray the breeze as calm rather than wild and the mood that I want to display is peaceful. To improve, I would record my own version of the breeze as this version contains sudden crips sounds.

Horse Neigh

The horse neigh is only there for a short period as soon as the horse goes off the screen. Even though it is very short, it does make an impact towards the audience as the horse goes off making that character memorable. To improve, I could add a longer duration of horse neigh to grab a sample of the audio file.

Classical Piano

The piano boosts the peaceful vibe for the rest of the soundtrack. I personally that this is the strongest point in the soundtrack as the piano contains different varieties and they all complimented each other well. Even though it is slightly loud, it helped support the overall animation itself. To improve, I would like to try a different variation of instruments to liven the mood of the atmosphere.

Bird Chipping

For the chipping, I need to make sure that it has the same setting for the flapping sounds to go along with the effect. Since the dove is not a big animal, I decided to reduce the volume so that it is more lenient. Also, the reason why I extended it because I wanted to create an effect that the viewers still thinks that they are outside. To improve, I would like to increase the volume as it is slightly quiet.