Sounds Task 3 – Level 1 and Level 2


I need to produce different sound audios that will be suitable for 2 levels. For level 1, it going to be based on a London and how it is affected in daily bases. So what I need to do is to examine what sound it most commonly produced such as the Big Ben, Police siren and etc. In level 2, it is going to be based on a town where it is relaxed and not many people overpopulate that area. The sounds that going to pop up over there are pigeons,  rain and etc. I will be producing these sounds in Logic Pro X and then convert them into an AIFF file.

Both Levels




This sound file contains using vocals from myself by saying “3, 2, 1, Go!”. I personally believe that this sound is important as it is vital information before racing against your opponents. The use of reverb is produced whenever I say the letters, this is used to build tension towards the player which will make the game exciting. I used a pass filter to adjust the frequency of my voice.




I used my vocals to produce a high pitch sound to portray the character. The pass filters help produce a higher frequency of the character. By making the vocals into a random word gives the sense of friendliness towards that character.




I used a deep vocal to create a repeated laugh to make the character sound sinister. The use of a low pass filter is important because it can make the frequency of the sound audio lower. By making the laugh repeat itself in a low tone will make the person will uncomfortable whilst playing the game.




I used a peak filter to produce a high pitch vocals to participate in a role of a young girl who has a lot of charisma. The young girl’s voice who seems to be cheerful will ease some players whilst playing the game.

Car Startup


I introduce a high pass filter to the car startup as I thought it would be necessary to alert the player that their car is ready to go. This sound will be recognisable due to the fact that the player in future references will know when the car is ready.

Car Turning off

Turning off

I used a peak filter to lower the frequency so that when the car coming to a stop, the player will know that the car has stopped. This will also be recognisable because its most commonly heard throughout a car racing game. I only cut midway of the audio file between the car stopping to give it an interesting effect on the user.



I produce a low pitch vocals to create a character who seems to be masculine. I used a peak filter give the audio a lower frequency to give a dark feeling towards the character. The phrase “show no mercy” is important because it shows that people should not mess around with this character.


Level 1

Big Ben

Big Ben

Big Ben’s audio file has a high pass filter that the chime has a nice high pitch audio that can be heard throughout the game. I put down the volume of the file so that the audio file sounds like it can be heard from a distance. This sound is very important as it will only display on one map throughout the game.


Police siren

Police Siren

The police siren has a peak filter so that it will alert the players when the danger is coming. Even though it is a high pitch sound, making it loud will scare off some player and they will try to escape from the police. This will help build tension towards the players which will eventually become excited for them.

Level 2



The audio file has a high pass filter because it will alert the player when there is trouble is coming. This is important because it acts as a pickup item in the game and the player will need to know when they are coming in the game. The use of repetition gives a signal towards the player for when the pigeons are coming.



The use of rain has a high pass filter to give the scene a melodramatic effect on the race which will make an impact of the race. This is important because it will only be displayed on the map and there are some people who like the rain so this will be an opportunity to hear what each weather will sound like.

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