Photoshop – Double exposure self-portrait


Photo on 09-01-2018 at 15.39



I needed to set the background image for myself to present the double exposure self-portrait. So I want I did was set myself in Photoshop.

Screen Shot 2018-01-09 at 16.01.19.png

First of all, I remove the excessive space that I did not require and kept the important parts. Then I masked the layer so that I and my friend are involved so that the background appears on the screen. Afterwards, I went to the layer that involves me and my friend and I adjust the brightness so that the layer becomes darker. Then I adjusted the levels so that the image is clear to see.

Next, I went to the layer that I selected the layer that is masked and clipped masked the background of the spooky forest.

Screen Shot 2018-01-09 at 16.04.45.png

Afterwards, I went towards the layer that includes myself and my friend and I changed the option to normal to overlay to show the background image.

Dodge Tool

Screen Shot 2018-01-09 at 16.18.08

Finally, I went to the dodge tool change the setting so that shadows was at 100% exposure and the brush size at 700 px and the hardness at 0%. This will show the brightness on me to show the contrast between light and dark.

Screen Shot 2018-01-09 at 16.18.17

Burn Tool

Screen Shot 2018-01-09 at 16.17.59

With this tool, I can make the brightness level darker. So what I did next have I changed the range to midtones and change the exposure to 25%. I applied this tool to my friend which came out to be an interesting outcome.


Double self-portrait.jpg

In this image, you can see the image is juxtaposed against the light and dark area which make look like the yin and the yang. I personally like the visual and the art itself works really well. The stars give it an interesting effect on the image. To improve, I could try different colours to see what effect it could have on the image.