Sounds – Blueprint

Reverb – Its an effect of sound that is produced from an amplifier or an amplified musical instrument. The sounds bounce off.

These are the list of each of the sounds that I am going to include the car racing game.

Sound Creation Resource

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Recording Schedule

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Photoshop – Clipping Mask


These are four pictures of different seasons which I personally like. Using these picture will be essential for the text when the image is applied on.

Winter park at nightSummerautumn-5Spring


In Photoshop, we are able to create a simple text using the text tool. We are able to adjust the sizes, font or the way its positioned. The reason why I’ve written the season is that I need to get the images from the different seasons and insert them in the text. The tool that will be helping me to insert the image into the text is the clipping mask.

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For spring, I needed to use the image to be above the text layer so that later on, I can apply the clipping mask on the image’s layer which applied it to the text. The clipping mask is so useful as you are not limited to move around the text to get your preferred composition of the image. There is another to apply the image to the text. You would need to get the image masked so that you can select the text and duplicate the image in the masked area which will allow the text appear with the image applied. The only reason that I don’t use this method because it is limited and you can’t change the composition of the image.

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Overall, each of the text is presented beautifully and they all fit within the theme. To improve, I could have used the blending option to make the text bold so that it is clear to see and perhaps trying out different images of the season to see which one fits the best in the text.